Privacy policy

This is an automated translation. In case of dispute and discrepancies to the original – German – version the original version will be effective.


planeed is a social network and online platform for people and companies who care about the future of our planet. The mission of planeed is to provide a platform for the sustainability movement worldwide making it optimally communicable and maximally scalable for all participants.

People use our services to find ideas and information for sustainable living or sustainable business, to be found themselves, and to network with other people.

For this purpose, the Munich-based company Sabri & Liebl GbR – planeed – in the following planeed GbR – provides the planeed app. In addition to this privacy policy, the terms of use of planeed also apply.

You acknowledge by your use (in case of changes by your further use) the current privacy policy of the planeed GbR.

Who is responsible for the data?

By using planeed you provide personal data. The planeed GbR is responsible for the storage, processing, and presentation of this data in our services.

As a visitor or user of our services, the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information is subject to this Privacy Policy and any updates thereto.

How do we handle changes in the privacy agreement?

planeed may make changes to this Privacy Policy as necessary. Before they take effect, all registered users will be notified so that you have an opportunity to review the changes. If you do not agree with any changes, you are free to close your account.

Changes to this Privacy Policy will apply to your use of our Services from date on they are effective. Your continued use of our services after the changes constitutes your acceptance of the new Privacy Policy.

What types of information do we collect?

To provide the planeed app, we need to process information about you. This includes any information and data you disclose on planeed (e.g., through a post or action point) and data that becomes known through your use of the app on your device(s). This includes data provided by you, others, and through your use.

We collect your personal data, content, communications, and other information that you provide when you use planeed, including when you register for one or more accounts, create, or share content, and communicate and interact (for example, when posting a comment) with other users or content. This includes information of the content you post, including image content or metadata contained in it.

We collect information about people, accounts, companies, tags, teams, and other content you are connected to. After your consent, we read your contacts or address book to help with contact suggestions and other community actions.

If information is created or provided about you by third parties (e.g., an invitation to join a team), this will also be collected, stored, and processed.

We collect information about how you use planeed, such as the types of content you view or interact with, the features you use, the actions you take, the people or accounts you interact with, and the time, frequency, and duration of your activities.

We collect information from and about computers and mobile devices you use on which planeed is executable.

We receive the following information from your devices, among others: Operating system information, hardware and software versions, signal strength, available storage, browser type, app and file names and types, and plugins. Information about your mobile or internet service provider, language, time zone, cell phone number, IP address, or connection speed.

When you access planeed from a mobile device, that device sends us data about your location, depending on that device’s settings. Before we use GPS or other mechanisms to determine your location, we ask for your consent.

How do we use this information?

We use the information and data available to us in the following manner:

With the information we try to generate an optimized, personalized and as pleasant as possible user experience for you. For example, we generate notifications to keep you up to date. Personalized content, news and company information or sponsored content can also be displayed to you based on this information.

We use parts of this information to inform and motivate other users about the behavior of others. For example, we show other users who has liked or adopted a post and more.

With this information, internal calculations for rankings of companies or users are made to show you and other users an overview of activities and achieved impact on planeed. This includes, but is not limited to, calculations about: Impact Score, Metrics, SDGs, Action Point Rankings, Team Performance; this list is not exhaustive.

Furthermore, this information is used to develop and improve planeed, to fix bugs, to conduct research and to collect statistics.

We may use scanning technologies on this information to automatically recognize content and generate automated actions where appropriate.

We use the information to verify compliance with planeed’s terms of use and to prevent or stop spam or other abuse.

We use the information to help companies, partners and advertisers measure the effectiveness of their activities and advertising.

We use information to send you marketing communications and to communicate or respond with you when you contact us.

How is this information shared?

Share within planeed

When you share, interact with, and communicate with content in planeed, that information becomes available to other users within planeed. We also show when you have rated, liked, adopted, or commented on content. As a member of a team, this membership will be displayed to other users. This list is exemplary and not exclusive and depends on your usage behavior and, if applicable, your user settings.

When you share content with people on planeed, you should be aware that this content can be shared by that person with other people, including people who may be unknown to you or not part of your original target audience. This also applies to the interaction options mentioned in the previous paragraph.

If planeed’s ownership changes, we may transfer your information to the new owner(s).

Share outside planeed

We work with external partners who help us provide our products (including hosting and operations), improve, troubleshoot, and develop our services. We provide these partners with information about planeed users, user content, and user behavior.

We provide aggregate statistics, reports, and analytics to inform individuals and businesses how users interact with posts and other content, including advertising, where applicable, on planeed.

In response to a legal request, if we believe in good faith that we are legally required to do so, we will access, preserve, and share your information with regulatory, law enforcement or other authorities. Such retention of your information may be necessary even if you close your account.

In good faith, this may be necessary for the following: To detect, prevent, and prosecute fraud, unauthorized use of the products, violations of our Terms of Use and policies, and other harmful or illegal activities; to protect us, our rights, our property, or our products, you, or others; in response to investigations or requests for information from regulatory authorities; or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm.

We may access or retain information from you for a longer period if it is subject of a request or duty of a legal nature, regulatory investigation, or investigation of possible violations of our Terms of Use. If accounts have been disabled due to violations of the Terms of Use, we will retain that information for at least one year.

Legal basis for the processing of data

We collect, use, and share the data available to us in the ways described above as necessary to comply with the planeed Terms of Use, or to comply with our legal obligations, to protect essential interests of you or those of others. Also, as necessary in the public interest or for our legitimate interests, except where those interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms that require the protection of personal data.

Exercise your rights under the GDPR

We store your data as long as you have an account with planeed.

With respect to data, we have about you, unless there is a legal reason not to (see above), you may request that we

  • delete the data,
  • change or correct the data,
  • refrain from or restrict the use of your data
  • give you an image of your data in machine-readable form.

Account deactivation and deletion

We store data until it is no longer needed to provide our services or until your account is deleted, whichever comes first.

If you delete your account, your published content will be anonymized immediately. We do not delete your contributions (posts, action points and moments) because these are the basis for calculating the impact score of other users. The reason is that you may have inspired other users on planeed and they continue to live your idea(s).

For questions, please contact us

If you have any questions about this policy, you may contact us as described below.

Sabri & Liebl GbR – planeed
Watzmannstr. 1a
81541 Munich