Amplifying Global Impact

We enhance positive human impact on our planet and society

There’s an accelerating shift towards a more meaningful, ecologically conscious, and collaborative economy and society, setting higher expectations for brands and marketing. This ongoing transformation will shape the landscape for years and decades to come.


Today, stakeholders demand increased transparency and active involvement in understanding the essence of your brand, particularly your actions. Mere statements of purpose fall short; it’s about fostering real engagement and contributing tangibly to address societal issues. The solution to this is found in planeed.


Brands that make an active contribution to a more responsible future and also succeed in communicating this credibly to all stakeholders will be stronger than ever in tomorrow’s economy.

We therefore want to support companies in facing up to this new responsibility and, with planeed, offer an innovative solution for making impactful commitment tangible in all aspects of corporate activity.

The Founders

Dr. Aly Sabri

CEO & Co-Founder

Medical studies in Oxford & Harvard

Founder of Sabri – Medical Information Systems

Sale of company to General Electric

Serial Entrepreneur & Investor

Co-Founder of planeed

Bernhard Liebl, M.Sc.

CMO & Co-Founder

Economical studies at the University of Innsbruck

Master in Strategic Management | Thesis: “A BRAND New Game – Digitization and its Impact on Marketing-Strategy-Making

Marketing expert specializing in new communication channels

Co-Founder of planeed